اصطلاحات انگلیسی ریاضی – درس 22

در این مکالمه به یک موضوع بی حاشیه اما در عین حال جنجالی رسیده ایم : ریاضی! آنچه که ریاضی را خاص می کند این است که برای بسیاری از افراد، حوصله سربر، سخت، خسته کننده و غیر جذاب است. در همین حال برای بعضی ها کاملا برعکس، بسیار جذاب، مهیج و نوعی بازی برای درگیری ذهنشان است. به هر حال چه از ریاضی خوشتان بیاد یا نیاید، مجبورید سطحی از آن را یاد بگیرید چون بلد بودن آن کاملا ضروری است.

به همین منوال، اگر می خواهید زبان انگلیسی را یاد بگیرید هم باید اصطلاحات انگلیسی ریاضی را یاد بگیرید. حداقل باید نام چهار اعمال اصلی ریاضی در انگلیسی را بلد باشید!! در این مکالمه این حداقل ها یعنی چهار اعمال اصلی را به شما یاد می دهیم. با ما تا انتهای مکالمه باشید.

پیشنهادهای ویژه

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی به فارسی

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی (ویژه اندروید)

با قابلیت تشخیص صدا و ترجمه فارسی

بسته کامل آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

شامل مجموعه‌های ویدویی و صوتی

🗣 Learning Simple Math (یادگیری ریاضی ابتدایی)

A: Alright, children, let’s review. Tommy! Pay attention!

خوب، بچه ها، درس رو مرور کنیم. تامی! توجه کن!

B: Sorry Miss Kadlec.

ببخشید خانم کدلک.

A: Okay, Crystal, now tell me, what’s four plus eleven?

خب، کریستال، بهم بگو، چهار به علاوه یازده چی میشه؟

C: Um…fifteen!

ام… پانزده!

B: Miss Kadlec always asks Crystal; she’s such a teacher’s pet.

خانم کدلک همیشه از کریستال می پرسه؛ خیلی خودشیرینی معلم رو میکنه.

A: Okay…and what about fifty six minus sixty?

خب… پنجاه و شش منهای شصت چقدر میشه؟

C: Um… negative four!

ام… منفی چهار!

A: Very good… twelve times twelve?

خیلی خوبه… دوازده ضربدر دوازده؟

B: Very good. Suck up.

خوبه، زود خودشیرینی کن.

C: One hundred and forty four!

صد و چهل و چهار!

A: Zero divided by one?

صفر تقسیم بر یک؟

C: Zero!


A: How did you know that? Okay, smarty pants, the square root of two!

چطور اینو میدونستی؟ خوب باهوش، جذر عدد دو؟

B: Bet you’re not going to get that one, know-it-all.

مطمئنم دیگه این یکی رو نمیدونی، همه چیز دون!

C: Um…one point four one four two one three five…

ام… یک ممیز چهار یک چهار دو یک سه پنج…

🗝️ لغات انگلیسی مهم مکالمه

🔹 review: مرور (درس و …)

🔹 plus: عمل ریاضی جمع کردن

🔹 teacher’s pet: a child who everyone thinks is the teacher’s favourite student and is therefore disliked by the other students

دانش آموزی که معلم او را خیلی دوست دارد

🔹 minus: عمل منها در ریاضی

🔹 times (=multiply): عمل ضرب در انگلیسی

🔹 suck up: to say or do a lot of nice things in order to make someone like you or to get what you want

یک فعل عبارتی که به شخصی گفته می شود که همیشه تلاش می کند تا معلم یا رئیس را خوشحال کند. این عبارت حالت منفی دارد و عدم تایید گوینده از این خودشیرینی را نشان می دهد.

🔹 divided by: تقسیم به تعدادی، عمل تقسیم ریاضی در انگلیسی

🔹 smarty pants: someone who always says clever things or always has the right answer, in a slightly annoying way

فردی که تلاش می کند نشان دهد خیلی باهوش است. کسی که همیشه جواب همه چیز را دارد؛ آنهم به شکلی آزاردهنده. این عبارت به نوعی ناخوشایندی فردی از فرد دیگر را نشان می دهد که به نظر باهوش می آید.

🔹 square root: عمل ریاضی جذر در انگلیسی

🔹 I’ll bet:

فکر می کنم اتفاقی احتمال زیاد بیفتد، مطمئنم که… شرط می بندم که…

🔹 know-it-all: فردی که ادعا می کند یا تظاهر می کند که همه چیز را می داند (عدم تایید فرد را نشان می دهد)

🔹 equation: معادله ریاضی به انگلیسی

🔹 operation: عملگرهای ریاضی در انگلیسی

🔹 multiplication: عمل ضرب در انگلیسی

🔹 addition: عمل جمع در انگلیسی

🔹 subtraction: عمل منها در انگلیسی

🔹 division: عمل تفریق در انگلیسی


نکات مهم درس

نام انگلیسی اعمال ریاضی

🔹 Sign : علامت (مثلا علامت مثبت)


plus sign / addition sign : علامت جمع، علامت مثبت
4 + 6 = 10
four plus six equals ten
four added to six makes ten
in 4 + 6 = 10, sum (مجموع) is 10

minus sign / subtraction sign : علامت منها، علامت منفی
10 – 6 = 4
ten minus six equals four
six subtracted from ten equals four
if you subtract six from ten you get four
if you take six from ten you get four
in 10 -6 = 4, difference (تفاضل) is 4

عملگر منها در انگلیسی minus و subtraction نامیده می شود. همچنین فعل این کار subtract است:

▪️ Subtract 18 from 56 : هجده را از پنجاه و شش کم کن
▪️ 56 minus 18 is 38 : پنجاه و شش منهای هجده می شود سی و هشت


times sign / multiplication sign : علامت ضرب
5 × 6 = 30
five times six equals thirty
five multiplied by six equals thirty
five sixes are thirty
if you multiply 5 by 6 you get thirty

In 5 × 6 = 30, the product (حاصل ضرب) is thirty.


division sign : علامت تفریق
15 ÷ 3 = 5
fifteen divided by three equals five
five goes into fifteen three times
if you divide fifteen by three you get five
if you divide three into fifteen you get five
In 15 ÷ 3 = 5, the quotient (خارج قسمت) is five.

معنای فارسی

واژه انگلیسی


علامت مساوی

equals sign


کوچکتر از

less than


بزرگتر از

greater than



not equal to




جدا کننده اعشار

decimal separator , point


جدا کننده هزارگان

thousands separator


علامت درصد

percent sign


علامت جذر

square root

پیشنهادهای ویژه

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی به فارسی

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی (ویژه اندروید)

با قابلیت تشخیص صدا و ترجمه فارسی

بسته کامل آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

شامل مجموعه‌های ویدویی و صوتی

🎧 پادکست صوتی آموزش انگلیسی

متن پادکست

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another lesson. My name is Marco. And I’m Erica. And today we’re going back to school. That’s right. We’re talking about my least favorite subject.

That would be math. That’s right. Okay. So we’re going to be talking about math. Now I know that many of you of course know math. Right. But do you know the operations in English?

Many people find it hard to find the right words to talk about math in English. Right. So that’s what we’re going to be looking at today. And we’ll also look at some names that you can

call people who are really, really, really smart. So let’s listen to our dialogue for the first time. And then we’ll come back and look at those math words. All right, children, let’s review.

Tommy, pay attention. Sorry, Miss Cadillac. Okay, Crystal, now tell me what’s four plus 11. 15.

Miss Cadillac always has a crystal. She’s such a teacher’s pet. Okay. And what about 56 minus 60? Um, negative four. Very good. 12 times 12. Very good. Suck up. 144. Zero divided by one. Zero.

How did you know that? Okay, smarty pants, the square root of two. Bet you’re not going to get that one. Do it all. Um, um, 1.4142135. All right, so that’s one smart little girl, huh? Yeah,

pretty smart. Actually, smarter than me. All right, so let’s take a look at some of those words that the teacher used to ask her about certain operations in language takeaway. Language take

away. Okay, so like we said, you guys know how to do math and you know the words in your language, but maybe in English, it’s a little bit harder to find the right words. So let’s look at those now.

Okay, so let’s look at the first question that she asked. What’s four plus 11? Four plus 11. Okay, plus plus. All right. So four plus 11. Erica is, uh, let me take a look at here. Um, 15. 15. Okay,

so we are adding, right? Yes. So that’s how you would say, let’s go with an easy one. Two plus two. Four. Four, right? Or five plus five. Ten. Ten. Okay. You’re really testing my skills. So

that’s how you would add numbers. Now what about taking away numbers? Okay, so taking away or subtracting. All right, let’s test you again. In the dialogue, she said 56 minus 60. 56 minus 60

equals negative four. Okay, minus. So that’s negative, right? Minus. So, and of course, if you have 56 apples and you take away 60, you are left with negative four. Well, actually, you’re left

with zero apples. Exactly. Now that answer is also interesting. Negative four. Negative four. That means minus four, right? Four less than zero. Four less than zero. Very good. Negative four. Okay,

so now for our next operation. 12 times 12. 12 times 12. 12 times 12. No, Marco, don’t ask me the answer. All right. 12 times 12 equals 144. Now that’s multiplying. Right. Or multiplication.

Multiplication. Okay, so this times part, it’s very easy to remember because, for example, four times four, you can just say four, the number four, and you add it, right? Four times. Four times.

Four plus four plus four plus four. Right. So times. Times. Now the opposite of times.

All right. The opposite of multiplication is division. Division. Okay, so in our dialogue, the teacher said zero divided by one. Zero divided by one. Zero divided by one. Any number

divided by zero is zero. All right, so let’s give another example. 15 divided by three. All right, so 15 divided by three equals five. Five. Exactly. So divided by divided by. Very good. So after

division, the teacher was very impressed and now she asked a very hard mathematical operation, especially for a girl this age, the square root of two. The square root of. Square root. So let’s

give some examples to show what is the square root. Okay, so if I ask you the square root of nine.

Three. Three, right? What about the square root of four? Two. Two. Okay, so now one more. The square root of 16. Four. Four. Okay, so you notice the pattern, right? And I’m sure everyone knows

this in their own language, how you would get a square root. Exactly. So this language is pretty simple. You all know it in your own language, but let’s hear it again in English one more time

with the dialogue. All right, children, let’s review. Tommy, pay attention. Sorry, Ms. Cadillac.

Okay, Crystal, now tell me what’s four plus 11. 15.

Ms. Cadillac always asks Crystal. She’s such a teacher’s pet.

Okay, and what about 56 minus 60? Um, negative four.

Very good. 12 times 12. Very good. Suck up. 144. Zero divided by one. Zero.

How did you know that? Okay, smarty pants, the square root of two.

Bet you’re not going to get that one. Do it all. Um, um, 1.4142135.

Okay, so we understand the mathematical operations that we saw here. Very easy.

But now there was another little kid in there who was very, I think, envious or jealous.

Yeah, Tommy. Tommy, right? So he called her a couple of different names.

Well, let’s look at those now in Fluency Builder. Fluency Builder.

Okay, so the first one that he called Crystal, the little girl, he called her a teacher’s pet. Teacher’s pet. Teacher’s pet. A teacher’s pet.

So, Erika, what exactly is a teacher’s pet? It is the favorite student the teacher has in that class. All right, so it’s always a student that’s helping the teacher. Yeah, the smartest student.

Yeah, the teacher’s pet. Yeah, and it has a negative meaning in English.

Yeah, I wouldn’t say that it’s a good thing to be the teacher’s pet.

Like the teacher thinks it’s good. Yeah. But all of the friends and the classmates, they think it’s bad. Yeah, exactly. Teacher’s pet.

And similar to teacher’s pet is a suck up. Suck up. Suck up. Again, suck up. What is this?

What is a suck up? A suck up is a person who tries really, really hard to make the teacher like him. Okay, now we can also use it outside of the classroom,

right? Yeah, at work maybe. Okay, there is always at work. There is always one person who’s the suck up, right? Yes. Now, again, this has a negative meaning in English. Yeah, I guess in the workplace,

the rest of your colleagues don’t really like that person who’s considered to be the suck up, who’s always trying to please the boss. Exactly. All right.

All right, so the teacher calls Crystal a smarty pants. Smarty pants.

Smarty pants. Okay, so this is also a little name calling, right? So what is a smarty pants?

Somebody who is too smart. Too smart. Who tries too hard to be smart.

Now, this is only for little kids, right? I wouldn’t call you a smarty pants.

No, it’s definitely for children. Adults don’t say this.

Unless maybe you are joking or having fun with someone.

Yeah, but if you say it, you are suggesting that you’re being like a child.

Right. Okay, smarty pants. And our last one, and this is also a very good phrase and a way to describe someone, know it all. Know it all. Know it all. I know it all. Sometimes you say

Mr. Know it all, right? Yeah, that’s right. Okay, so what is a know it all?

Somebody who tries to show everyone that they know it all. They know everything.

Yeah, they’re so smart. They have the answers to everything.

But they really, really try and show everyone that they know everything.

These people can be sometimes a little bit irritating, right?

Yeah, very, very annoying. Annoying. Yeah.

All right, so it’s not a good thing to be a know it all, all the time.

Yeah, actually, all of these phrases are not good things to be.

Okay, so let’s listen to our dialogue one more time and then we’re going to come back and Eric is going to tell us how much she hates math.

All right, children, let’s review. Tommy, pay attention.

Sorry, Ms. Cadillac.

Okay, Crystal, now tell me. What’s four plus 11.

Um, 15.

Ms. Cadillac always has crystal. She’s such a teacher’s pet.

Okay, and what about 56 minus 60?

Um, negative four.

Very good. 12 times 12?

Very good. Suck up.


Zero divided by one?


How did you know that?

Okay, smarty pants, the square root of two.

Bet you’re not going to get that one. Do it all.

Um, 1.4142135.

All right, so Erica, you were telling me that you hated math or you still do?

Well, yes, that’s true. I really do hate math and even doing a simple, you know, like 16 plus 32 is too hard for me.

So you were never really that type of person that was good with numbers?

No, I’m terrible with numbers. I can’t even remember my own phone number.


That’s true. Like I really, if someone asks me for my phone number, I have to look on my phone in the address book to find it.

Well, yeah, sometimes numbers can be difficult.

I kind of liked math when I was younger. It’s, it just made sense.

Well, I guess there’s a reason why I’m an English teacher, not a math teacher.

And I was actually not very good at language.

But here you are.


Well, I mean in Spanish, I like grammar. I’m not very good at that. All those rules.

Yeah, but you’re pretty good at English. So that’s all right with me.

That’s all right. Yeah.

What about you guys? Tell us what your favorite subject or your least favorite subject in school was.

What about you? Do you have any favorite subject or did you have a favorite subject?

Um, history.

History. Yeah.

Okay. I liked chemistry for a while.

Oh, God. Chemistry involves numbers.

Well, a little bit, but it was interesting as well.

Well, thanks for downloading this lesson and until next time, goodbye.

لیست درسهای مکالمه روزانه انگلیسی

درس 1 – قرض گرفتن

درس 2 – رانندگی کردن

درس 3 – عروسی

درس 4 – چشم پزشکی

درس 5 – وقت گرفتن

درس 6 – رستوران

درس 7 – عهد سال نو

درس 8 – درخواست مرخصی

درس 9 – لغو قرار

درس 10 – جدا شدن

درس 11 – دوست جدید

درس 12 – داشتن درخواست

درس 13 – تمدید موعد

درس 14 – مکالمه کوتاه

درس 15 – خرید و تخفیف

درس 16 – سفارش غذا

درس 17 – اصطلاحات شنا

درس 18 – مکالمات اداری

درس 19 – مکالمه انگلیسی صبحانه

درس 20 – ساعات خوش

درس 21 – حلقه ازدواج

درس 22 – ریاضی در انگلیسی

درس 23 – فیلم علمی تخیلی

درس 24 – آرایشگاه مردانه

درس 25 – انگلیسی در داروخانه

درس 26 – بیسبال

درس 27 – دوست شدن

درس 28 – عذرخواهی کردن

درس 29 – ثبت نام دانشگاه

درس 30 – مکالمات رایج انگلیسی

درس 31 – کاخ ترسناک

درس 32 – مکالمه سوپرمارکت

درس 33 – سیگار کشیدن

درس 34 – موسیقی

درس 35 – باشگاه بدنسازی

درس 36 – مکالمه دو دوست

درس 37 – خرید تلویزیون

درس 38 – شاد کردن

درس 39 – شطرنج

درس 40 – خرید کامپیوتر

درس 41 – چی بپوشم؟

درس 42 – بیماری

درس 43 – اسباب کشی

درس 44 – حشرات

درس 45 – گروه راک

درس 46 – رانندگی

درس 47 – ترن هوایی

درس 48 – خشکشویی

درس 49 – سالن ناخنکاری

لیست کامل درسهای مجموعه آموزش مکالمات روزمره انگلیسی

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