مکالمه ساده انگلیسی برای مبتدیان – شاد باش! – درس 38

با درس سی و هشتم از مجموعه مکالمه روزمره انگلیسی در خدمت شما هستیم. اینجا یک مکالمه ساده انگلیسی برای مبتدیان داریم که با هم آن را یاد می گیریم.

بسیاری از ما برخی روزها ناراحت هستیم. در این مواقع دوستان سعی می کنند حال همدیگر را بهتر کنند. در این مکالمه انگلیسی، دو دوست با همدیگر در مورد ناراحتی یکی از آنها صحبت می کنند و یکی از آنها در مورد مشکلی که باعث ناراحتی او شده صحبت می کند. دوست دیگر نیز سعی می کند او را آرام کند، به او راهکار بدهد و حال او را عوض کند. کاری که دوستان خوب برای هم انجام می دهند!

در انتها به پادکست صوتی آموزش انگلیسی گوش دهید. گوش دادن به این پادکست ها می تواند قدرت شنیداری شما را بسیار تقویت کند.

پیشنهادهای ویژه

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی به فارسی

نرم افزار آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی (ویژه اندروید)

با قابلیت تشخیص صدا و ترجمه فارسی

بسته کامل آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

شامل مجموعه‌های ویدویی و صوتی

🗣 Cheer Up (شاد باش!)

A: Ok… I’ll talk to you later. Bye

اوکی… بعدا باهات صحبت می کنم. خدانگهدار

B: Carrie, are you ok? You seem a bit down.

کری، خوبی؟ به نظر یکم ناراحت میای.

A: I just got off the phone with my boyfriend.

الان با دوست پسرم تلفن صحبت می کردم (همین الان تلفن رو با اون قطع کردم).

He is always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing.

اون همیشه سر هیچی ناراحت میشه و از کوره در میره.

It’s so hard to talk to him at times.

گاهی صحبت کردن با اون خیلی سخته.

B: Maybe it’s just that he is stressed out from work or something.

شاید به خاطر اینه که اون از سر کار یا چیز تحت فشار و استرسه.

He does have a pretty nerve wracking job you know.

اون خیلی شغل اعصاب خورد کنی داره، خودت می دونی.

A: Yeah but, he is always in a really foul mood.

اره ولی، اون همیشه واقعا بی اعصابه.

I try to find out what’s bothering him or get him to talk about his day but, he always shuts down and brushes me off.

من تلاش می کنم بفهمم چه چیزی اذیتش می کنه یا ترغیبش می کنم که درمورد [اتفاقات] روزش صحبت کنه، ولی اون میره تو خودش و جواب من رو نمیده.

B: Men are like that you know.

مردها اونجوری هستند، خودت میدونی.

They can feel nervous, anxious or on edge and the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness.

اونا عصبی، مضطرب یا ناراحت میشوند و تنها راهی که می تونن اون رو بروز بدن اینه که تلاش می کنن از طریق پرخاشگری اون رو مخفی کنند.

A: I guess you are right.

فکر کنم درست میگی.

What do you think I should do? He wasn’t always this grouchy you know…

به نظرت باید چی کار کنم؟ اون همیشه اینجوری بدخلق نبود، میدونی…

B: Talk to him, try to cheer him up when he is down and if that doesn’t work, I say get rid of him and get a new one!

باهاش صحبت کن، سعی کن وقتی ناراحته، خوشحالش کنی و اگه نشد، به نظر من از شرش خلاص شو و یه جدیدش رو پیدا کن!

A: You are something else you know that?

تو یه چیز دیگه ای، می دونستی؟

🗝️ لغات انگلیسی مهم مکالمه

🔹 down: ناراحت یا غمگین

🔹 stress out: تحت فشار و تحت استرس بودن

🔹 nerve wracking: اعصاب خورد کن، چیزی که شما را خیلی عصبی یا نگران کند
▪️ Speaking in public can be a nerve-wracking experience.
▪️ It is never too early to score, but Sunderland faced a nerve-racking 55 minutes after that breakthrough.

🔹 brush me off: ،خودداری از صحبت درباره چیزی با کسی (در اینجا “با من”)، همچنین به معنی ضد حال زدن و نادیده گرفتن نیز هست
🔸 refuse to talk about something with someone
🔸 to refuse to listen to someone or their ideas, especially by ignoring them or saying something rude
▪️ He brushed off Mrs. Franklin, who was only trying to be nice to him.

🔹 cheer up: خوشحال کردن، کم کردن غم و ناراحتی، سر حال آوردن کسی از حالت ناراحتی
🔸 to become less sad, or to make someone feel less sad
▪️ Cheer up! The worst is over.
▪️ Here’s a bit of news that will cheer you up.

🔹 down in the dumps: احساس ناراحتی و غم داشتن

🔹 have the blues: احساس افسردگی و ناراحتی داشتن

🔹 rattled: عصبی بودن

🔹 grinds my gears: کسی را عصبانی کردن

🔹 pissed off: ناراحت شده، عصبی شده، ضد حال خورده

🎯 نکات درس

در این بخش نکات مهم مربوط به لغات و اصطلاحات انگلیسی این درس را توضیح می دهیم. این نکات اضافی می تواند به فهم بیشتر شما از مکالمه کمک کند.

واژه down معانی و کاربردهای زیادی دارد. معنی اصلی آن «پایین» است. در مکالمه های روزمره انگلیسی اما، وقتی درباره روحیه افراد صحبت می کنیم، down به معنی ناراحت و غمگین بودن است.

▪️ She’s been really down since her husband left.
▪️ I’ve been (feeling) a little bit down this week.

به عبارت I just got off the phone with دقت کنید. در اینجا just به معنی همین الان است. Got off the phone with یعنی تلفنم با … را قطع کردم. فعل دو قسمتی Get off دارای چند معنی است. یکی از معانی آن عوض کردن موضوع بحث و قطع کردن صحبت است. همچنین به معنی ترک کردن نیز هست. وقتی این فعل با phone استفاده شود به معنی قطع کردن تلفن می باشد. در مکالمه، فرد می گوید من همین الان تلفن را با دوستم قطع کردم. یعنی با او صحبت می کردم و همین الان آن را قطع کردم. ما در فارسی معمولا بیان می کنیم که همین الان با دوستم صحبت می کردم، یا خودمانی تر: دوستم (پای تلفن) بود. (توضیح بیشتر درباره Get off the phone)

عبارت at times به معنی گاهگاهی یا گاهی اوقات است.

Life is hard at times.

یکی از موضوعات مهم در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی، یاد گرفتن افعال دو قسمتی یا Phrasal Verbs در انگلیسی است. تعداد این افعال بسیار زیاد است به این صورت که برای افعال اصلی (که هر کدام می توانند معانی مختلفی داشته باشند)، اضافه کردن بخش دوم مانند off, out , … می تواند یک معنی جدید و متفاوت به این فعل بدهد. گاهی هم معنی اصلی آن را مثلا تشدید می کند یا کمی تغییر می دهد. یاد گرفتن این معانی بسیار مهم هستند (مانند یاد گرفتن یک فعل جدید). البته گاهی این از زیبایی های زبان انگلیسی محسوب می شود.

در ادامه موضوع افعال دو بخشی، در اینجا ما با فعل stress out مواجه می شویم. معنی کلمه stress را قطعا می دانید. ترکیب Stressed out به معنی این است که فردی به طور مدام زیر فشار استرس باشد یا حجم فشار زیاد باعث برهم ریختن روان فردی شده باشد.

🔸 Stress out : subject to an extreme amount of stress or strain; experience an overwhelming amount of stress or strain, become overwhelmed by anxiety or worry
▪️ Studying for exams always stresses me out.

در عبارت pretty nerve wracking job – صفت nerve wracking یا nerve racking به معنی چیزی که روان انسان را بهم بریز است. معمولا برای شغل ها یا زمانهای سخت (مانند زمانهای پر از استرس بازیهای فوتبال) یا چیزهایی مثل اینها استفاده می شود. همچنین واژه pretty به عنوان یک adverb به معنی “نسبتا زیاد” یا “تا حد زیادی” معنی میدهد (مانند I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes).

عبارت foul mood برای کسی به کار می رود که روحیه ضعیفی دارد و خیلی راحت و زود عصبانی می شود.

▪️ After a difficult day at work, you return home in a foul mood.

به عبارت Get him to talk دقت کنید. معنی فعل Get someone to do something چیست؟ این عبارت یعنی کسی را ترغیب یا وادار به انجام کاری کنید. وقتی که تلاش می کنید تا کسی کاری را انجام دهد از Get him/her to do استفاده می کنید.

🔸 Persuade or Make somebody do something. 
▪️ I can’t get the children to sleep at bed-time. 

معنی کلمه on edge این است که فردی عصبی است. edge در کل به معنی لبه است اما این اصطلاح به معنی کسی است که خیلی هیجان زده یا خیلی عصبی و مضطرب است.

🎧 پادکست صوتی آموزش انگلیسی

متن پادکست

Hello English learners. Welcome back to another lesson. My name is Marco.

And my name is Katherine. Hello everyone. Today Marco, what are we talking about?

Well, today we’re not really in the best mood.

What do you mean?

We’re kind of sad. We’re kind of nervous. We’re not feeling very well.

It’s a cloudy day. Maybe that’s why.

The blues.

The blues. So yeah, that’s what we’re talking about today. We’re going to have a lot of different descriptive words to express.

Maybe feeling sad or maybe you’re angry or you’re nervous or something like that.

Okay, well, this is a very useful lesson. Hopefully you’re not feeling this way.

But if you have to talk about someone who is, I’ve got lots of words for you.

But first, we’re going to preview a couple in today’s vocabulary preview.

Vocabulary preview.

Alright, so today I’m vocabulary preview. We’re going to look at two words.

And the first one is a way of saying that you feel sad.

So basically, I’m feeling down.

Okay, down. You might have heard this before because it’s the opposite of the word up.


So you’re not feeling up happy looking up. You’re feeling down.

This is another word for sad like Marco said.

Or you can also say I’m a bit down today, right?

Yeah, I’m a bit down today or you look really down. Are you okay?

Yeah, so you look sad. Are you, is everything okay?

So down. So now another feeling or a way that a person is feeling, maybe that person is grouchy.

Would you please stop talking so loud, Marco?

I think you have…

No, I’m seriously.

Don’t be grouchy, that one. Geez.

No, so grouchy is a way someone acts usually when they’re in a bad mood.

Right. So it’s not like really angry.

You’re not angry, but you’re not very happy either.

And you’re not very nice to people.

So there’s a very famous TV character called Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street.

Look for him on YouTube or Yoku.

And he’s very, very good for learning about this feeling grouchy because he’s a grouchy guy.

Yeah, he’s always angry or never happy basically.

Right. He’s always complaining about something.

So that word again is grouchy.

All right. So after taking a look at these two words, we’re ready now to listen to our dialogue for the first time.

Let’s see what this dialogue is about if maybe they’re grouchy or maybe just sad.


Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Carrie, are you okay? You seem a bit down.

I just got off the phone with my boyfriend.

He’s always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing.

It’s so hard to talk to him at times.

Maybe it’s just that he’s stressed out from working or something.

He does have a pretty nerve-wracking job, you know.

Yeah, but he’s always in a really foul mood.

I tried to find out what’s bothering him or get him to talk about his day, but he always shuts down and brushes me off.

Men are like that, you know.

They can feel nervous, anxious or on edge.

And the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness.

I guess you’re right.

What do you think I should do?

He wasn’t always as grouchy, you know.

Talk to him, try to cheer him up when he’s down, and if that doesn’t work, I say get rid of him and get a new one.

You have something else, you know that.

Alright, so two girls talking about guys.

I guess guys have a bad temper sometimes, right?

I think anyone can have a bad temper, but we’re talking today about one of the boyfriend of one of these girls who has a very bad temper and has been very grouchy recently.

And that’s why she’s feeling a bit down.

So let’s take a look at those words now in Language Takeaway.

Alright, so in today’s Language Takeaway, we’ve got some wonderful words for you.

Words that are very good for describing stress or having anxiety.

And the first of these words is something you hear all the time, especially with young people.

Right, somebody is stressed out.

Oh my gosh, Marco, I’m so stressed out.

I have ten homework assignments to do and softball practice, and my mom wants me to help cook dinner tonight.

Wow, you really are stressed out.

Oh, I don’t have any homework, and I don’t live with my mom.

But being stressed out is usually something you feel when you have too much stuff to do.

So maybe you can be stressed out because of school, like in your case, or maybe at work you have a lot of things to do or a project to finish, right?

Exactly, and I just want to point out here that you can say I’m stressed or I’m feeling stressed, but commonly in spoken English, so when you’re talking to your friends,

you hear this much more often, stressed out.

Stressed out, he’s really stressed out lately.

Alright, so we’re stressed out, or another word that kind of means the same is nerve-wracking.

Nerve-wracking, so nerves are those things in our body that help us feel things, right?

And so something that racks our nerves makes us very, very tense, very anxious, very uncomfortable.

Okay, so it makes you very nervous.

Right, so there are some movies that are nerve-wracking.

For example, suspense movies like Hitchcock’s movies like Psycho or The Birds.

Or like Horror, like maybe Saw.

Nerve-wracking, also some people think that roller coasters are nerve-wracking.

They’re very, very anxious when they ride roller coasters.

Right, so let’s listen to a couple of more examples of different situations where we can use this phrase nerve-wracking.

Example one.

I think being a doctor is one of the most nerve-wracking jobs in the world.

Example two.

Skydiving was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life.

I almost had a heart attack.

Example three.

The final match between Brazil and Italy was incredibly nerve-wracking.

And there’s another way to describe this feeling again.

It’s a little bit different but very, very similar.

We can say someone is feeling on edge.

On edge.

So this person was feeling on edge, but what does that mean exactly?

You’re like at the edge.

Why do you have to ask so many questions?

Okay, listen, this is basic.

Okay, Marco?

Are you walking me?

On edge today.

Someone who is on edge is easily angered, right?

So it’s very easy to make this person upset or angry.

Someone who just quit smoking might be on edge.

That means it’s very, very easy to get them to be upset.


So yeah, you are on edge, right?


He’s on edge or he seems on edge, doesn’t he?

Okay, very good.

Wow, these three words that we’ve just looked at are really interesting and very, very useful.

I guess you can describe many different situations or a person that is going through these feelings, right?


I think there are a thousand ways to describe being nervous or anxious or upset.

So maybe we should take another listen to today’s dialogue and figure out how exactly we use these words and we come back.

We’re talking about some other phrases that are useful.

Okay, I’ll talk to you later.


Carrie, are you okay?

You seem a bit down.

I just got off the phone with my boyfriend.

He’s always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing.

It’s so hard to talk to him at times.

Maybe it’s just that he’s stressed out from working or something.

He does have a pretty nerve-wracking job, you know.

Yeah, but he’s always in a really foul mood.

I tried to find out what’s bothering him or get him to talk about his day, but he always shuts down and brushes me off.

Men are like that, you know.

They can feel nervous, anxious or on edge and the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness.

I guess you’re right.

What do you think I should do?

He wasn’t always as grouchy, you know.

Talk to him, try to cheer him up when he’s down and if that doesn’t work, I say get rid of him and get a new one.

He was something else, you know that.

All right, great.

So now that we’re back, we can start with a couple of different phrases now on Fluency Builder.

Fluency Builder.

All right, so Marco, here’s the big question.

What makes you lose your temper?

Hmm, I think what makes me lose my temper very, very easily is like a dirty house or like a dirty room.

Really? You’re a neat freak.

Not really neat freak, but like if it’s not at least semi-clean, you know, it really bothers me.

Okay, so this great phrase, lose your temper or lose one’s temper is a phrase we use in English to describe getting angry.

All right, so maybe you’re okay, you’re a little frustrated with something, but someone does something like throws all of their clothes on the floor and Marco here says,

Oh, that’s it.

I’m tired of this.

You’re always throwing your clothes on the floor and that’s an example of Marco losing his temper.

What about you? What makes you lose your temper?

You hear this?

What is that?

Oh, drilling, construction, hammering.

When people tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap or when they like stomp their feet, feet, feet.

Oh, like when they’re nervous.

When they make noise, yeah.

And so slowly it’s like, okay, fine, calm down, it’s okay.

Okay, no, seriously, stop it.

Seriously, and then all of a sudden, I just can’t stand it anymore.

You explode.

Exactly, so.

All right, so that’s what makes you lose your temper.

I’ll be sure to keep my eye out for that and not tap my pen.

Please don’t.

All right, so, okay, you lose your temper and now there are situations sometimes where you need to brush someone off.

All right, or when you get brushed off and that’s not very good feeling.

But this phrase, to brush someone off, you’ve heard the word brush before.

It’s the word that we use to brush your hair or brush your teeth, exactly.

When you brush someone off, it’s like saying that you’re ignoring them.

Yeah, so you ignore them or you basically tell them to go away very subtly sometimes or very directly.

Exactly, and so to brush someone off is to avoid their company.

And so a lot of times when people are angry, they like to be alone, so they brush you off.

So I could say, hey, did you want to go see that movie tonight?

No, I can’t.

I have to do something tonight.

And then Marco walks away while we’re talking.

He’s brushing me off.

He’s ignoring me.

Yeah, so it happens.

And also maybe some people can make up excuses and that’s also brushing someone off, right?

Right, exactly.

So to brush someone off or he brushed me off doesn’t feel good.

All right, and well, all of this, all of these bad feelings, brushing somebody off, maybe you feel stressed out.

In the end, you always need a good friend to cheer you up, right?

And that’s what this dialogue is all about.

Exactly, and so friends are actually the people that do that the best or family, I think.

And well, we can break this phrase down because most of it’s pretty clear, but cheer might be a new word for some of our listeners.

Maybe we’ve heard of the term cheerleader.

Give me an A, give me a B.

Or people cheering.

Or cheers when the beer.

So cheers like happiness.

So someone who can cheer you up is someone who makes you happy.

Remember that down we had earlier?

I’m feeling down.

We’re trying to cheer someone up.

We’re trying to make them go up and be happy.

Exactly, so you want to cheer up your friends or maybe if you’re feeling a bit down, a family member will try and cheer you up.

Do you need someone to cheer you up, Marco?

Yes, I do.

Let’s go have a drink and eat some popcorn and be cheered up.

That’s what cheers me up.

Or chocolate always cheers me up.

Oh, I know where there’s some of that.

All right, so we’ve taken a look at a lot of great phrases, but the last sentence of the dialogue is maybe a little bit strange, right?

When she says, you are something else.

You know that?

Uh, something what?

Is she an alien?

Is she a monkey?

What does she mean when she says you are something else?

That’s a great question.

Well, this might be a little bit hard to understand at first, but she’s saying, I can’t believe you.

She’s like, there’s no one like you.

You’re really something else, you know that?

So it’s kind of like a joke, but what she’s saying is, I can’t believe you.

You just want to go on and encourage me to find another boy.

You’re unbelievable.

So it could be, is it on a positive note or can it be both positive and negative?

Well, here we’ve got two friends who are using it, so it’s a positive note, but she’s kind of making fun of her saying, I can’t believe you,

but it can be more negative.

Fighting with her boyfriend and her boyfriend cheats on her and she’s like, you’re really something else, you know?

You are something else.

You know that?

It’s like, there’s no comparison.

You’re the worst.

Yeah, exactly.

So yeah, it really depends on how this is used and what the tone of voice is, so how someone says it.

But in this case, I think it’s kind of a joke joke, but it’s a positive meaning.

Very interesting.

It’s very spoken English, as you say, because all the words that we see there, they’re pretty simple, but the context or the connotation, the meaning is very, very different from the actual words.


All right, so let’s listen to this dialogue for the last time, and then we’ll come back and talk a little bit more.

Okay, I’ll talk to you later.


Carrie, are you okay? You seem a bit down.

I just got off the phone with my boyfriend.

He’s always getting upset and losing his temper over nothing.

It’s so hard to talk to him at times.

Maybe it’s just that he’s stressed out from working or something.

He does have a pretty nerve-wracking job, you know.

Yeah, but he’s always in a really foul mood.

I tried to find out what’s bothering him or get him to talk about his day, but he always shuts down and brushes me off.

Men are like that, you know.

They can feel nervous, anxious, or on edge, and the only way they can express it is by trying to hide it through aggressiveness.

I guess you’re right.

What do you think I should do?

He wasn’t always as grouchy, you know.

Talk to him, try to cheer him up when he’s down, and if that doesn’t work, I say get rid of him and get a new one.

You have something else, you know that.

So, Catherine, are you a grouchy person? Are you happy? Do you have a bad temper?

Oh, these are, well, very interesting questions, Marco.

Thank you for asking.

The first time, am I grouchy? No, not very, only before 9 a.m.

You’re not a morning person.

Not a morning person, so I’m very grouchy in the morning, but I’m generally pretty good about losing my temper, or it doesn’t happen very often.

Oh, really?

But I do get frustrated with things like tappin’.

Or when people eat with their mouth open.

Oh, yeah, that’s terrible. I hate that as well.

Yeah, I can’t stand it.

Or I really don’t like when people bite their nails.

It’s kind of, it also makes me lose my temper.

I don’t know, it more than makes me lose my temper, it’s kind of annoying, right?

It is annoying.

So what makes you really lose your temper?

We say, what makes you blow your top?

Think about it, a volcano.

It really grinds my gears.

I would say the worst is when somebody lies to me, like straight in my face.

Like I know they’re lying, I know you’re lying, and you still just lie straight at me.

I agree.

So what’s something that really cheers you up?

Because we talked about like going out with a friend, maybe helps you cheer up.

But is there one thing, some kind of remedy?

I’ve actually, I like to go shopping when I’m…


I mean, I won’t buy anything like clothes or anything like that.

Usually I’ll get maybe something for somebody else or for the house or something.

It’s very strange.

Helps you like clear your mind.

Yeah, it’s just like walking around and spending a little bit of money.

I don’t know, it’s kind of a good remedy.

Yeah, I think so.

What about you?

What cheers you up?

I kind of like to organize things.


So if I’m really angry or really upset about something, I’ll alphabetize all of my books.

Oh wow.

Yeah, so A to Z.

See, everyone has different remedies.

So all for today, goodbye everyone.


لیست درسهای مکالمه روزانه انگلیسی

درس 1 – قرض گرفتن

درس 2 – رانندگی کردن

درس 3 – عروسی

درس 4 – چشم پزشکی

درس 5 – وقت گرفتن

درس 6 – رستوران

درس 7 – عهد سال نو

درس 8 – درخواست مرخصی

درس 9 – لغو قرار

درس 10 – جدا شدن

درس 11 – دوست جدید

درس 12 – داشتن درخواست

درس 13 – تمدید موعد

درس 14 – مکالمه کوتاه

درس 15 – خرید و تخفیف

درس 16 – سفارش غذا

درس 17 – اصطلاحات شنا

درس 18 – مکالمات اداری

درس 19 – مکالمه انگلیسی صبحانه

درس 20 – ساعات خوش

درس 21 – حلقه ازدواج

درس 22 – ریاضی در انگلیسی

درس 23 – فیلم علمی تخیلی

درس 24 – آرایشگاه مردانه

درس 25 – انگلیسی در داروخانه

درس 26 – بیسبال

درس 27 – دوست شدن

درس 28 – عذرخواهی کردن

درس 29 – ثبت نام دانشگاه

درس 30 – مکالمات رایج انگلیسی

درس 31 – کاخ ترسناک

درس 32 – مکالمه سوپرمارکت

درس 33 – سیگار کشیدن

درس 34 – موسیقی

درس 35 – باشگاه بدنسازی

درس 36 – مکالمه دو دوست

درس 37 – خرید تلویزیون

درس 38 – شاد کردن

درس 39 – شطرنج

درس 40 – خرید کامپیوتر

درس 41 – چی بپوشم؟

درس 42 – بیماری

درس 43 – اسباب کشی

درس 44 – حشرات

درس 45 – گروه راک

درس 46 – رانندگی

درس 47 – ترن هوایی

درس 48 – خشکشویی

درس 49 – سالن ناخنکاری

لیست کامل درسهای مجموعه آموزش مکالمات روزمره انگلیسی

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